16 September 2007


When I first got started here, one of the first bloggers to mention me was Ambulance Driver. Since that time, I do my level best to make sure and check out any new folks he reccomends. This has usually been good for me: seems those he suggests, I enjoy. So, imagine my supprise when he linked a bunch of fellow pagan bloggers...

So... I'd like to add the Pagan Blacksmith, Kate at Rigel's Wheel, Lisa the Pixie, and Chas Clifton of Letter from Hardscrabble Creek to the dubious honor of my blogroll.

And, should y'all be interested in a REALLY cool group of like-minded folks, check out the forums at Timerift (requires registration, so we can avoid bots. I'm a mod there: mention in your "application" that Strings sent you). Although predominantly a pagan board, all faiths are welcome. The only thing not welcome there is BS: VERY big on being scholarly there...

And I almost forgot to add Dixie at Nautical Dawn. How silly of me!


Kate said...

Why, thank you Strings! I've not had much chance of reading a lot of your blog yet. Give me time - I've got a child getting married on Mabon. Party time!

Looks like you live in an adjoining state, too!

Strings said...

I have to ask, Kate: which state? Always nice to know me neighbors!