22 September 2007

All BACA today...

So, first off: Red is still improving. To the point that he's playing grab-ass with some of the nurses. Surgery on the arm went well, but they still want to take the leg: he's asked for a second opinion...


Today, we graduated one of our first cases. Tomboy's was a case we actually shouldn't have taken: WAY outside our area of operation. But we took it... and we've been there for over a year. But she's doing much better now, so we held her graduation ceremony (incidently, it's also her sweet 16).

First off though, I was asked to officiate her naming ceremony. This was a comedy: I had no idea what rit they wanted to use until we got there, so I was literally reading from a script. A script that, mind you, did NOT have all the info I needed...

So: simple ritual. Introduce the child to the elements, using her new name. Start in the East...

I walk her to the East, and start things off... only to find out that we don't HAVE her new name. SHE hasn't chosen one, and her mother hadn't decided on one yet. Ray maintains I should have gone with "Tim?", but I don't think that would've been good. Mom blurts out the first thing that pops into her head, and off we go.

Since Tomboy hadn't really done anything like this before, she needed some of my subtle stage-direction to make it through. This took the form of "Ok... go THERE. STOP! *read scripted part* Now turn and go there!" I even included a bit of a two-step. The crowd seemed to enjoy themselves (and, as I told Tomboy later: "Sometimes, you just have to accept that you're providing entertainment for the Powers that Be. I prefer to go for the comedy routine"), and Tomboy was given her new name...

Then we graduated her. Now, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but we were making last-minute preperations due to problems that HAD to be taken care of IMMEDIATELY all week. Which helped result in her 'diploma" having her name mispelled (I blame Ray). But we made sure she knew the important parts: that we feel she's ready to stand on her own, but that we're still there to be called on when needed...

Also got to meet the folks that want to start the newest Chapter here in Cheeseland. Spare a good thought or two for 'em: they've got a LONG road ahead of them (and with me guiding. Let's face it, they're screwed!).


Then there was the ride home. I swear, it was around 50*... go ahead and figure windchill there with a 60-65 mph wind. Ray swears her nether regions froze and tried crawling farther inside of her (mine are STILL a bit numb: we've been home for 2 1/2 hours at this point). Good thing Spoon and I are tired: I couldn't preform for her if my soul depended on it!

So... that was my Saturday. Hope y'all had one at least as good!

1 comment:

Ray said...

No, no Strings.... I said "Well, if I wasn't a girl before, I certainly am now. My vagina has crawled up into itself." and then when asked what I wanted to drink at Starbucks, I replied, "Anything warm. I'm gonna stick it in my vagina to thaw it out." Nothing like catching a Starbucks employee off guard. :P