01 January 2009

Are we Rome?

So... someone on APS made the comment "Are we Rome? Yes, we are.". Which brought the reply "So America is going to remain a Republic for two more centuries, and then rule the world with an iron hand for 6 more? Cool!"...

I made a quick comment on the thread, but I want to expand here.

IF America is Rome, and we're going to follow the same path, then our fall will be at the hands of...

The Canadians.

Yes, in 800 years, the howling Canadian hordes will sweep out of the frozen north. With sword and torch, they will lay waste to our grand cities and plunge the world into a New Dark Age...

The sad part of this? I haven't had a single thing to drink, but this gave me the giggles...


Sabra said...

Well, at least it will be a polite invasion!

Jay G said...

Good thing we're on the front lines of the invasion, eh?

Strings said...

Jay, I've heard they plan on making the main assault in MA, since it's full of wimpy Harley yuppies... :P

Anonymous said...

I dunno, there are a lot of Hell's Angels and others in Quebec. Or the Cree might get pissed off enough to make a comeback.

Nice Kilt, Strings.