29 May 2007

WHAT is wrong with people?!?!

From Dragonwatch:

We've all (I think) heard about the ginormous feral hog that a young man down in one of our southern states shot recently. Great story, took what appears to be a world-record feral hog with a Smith .500 (and maybe, should brought more gun: took three hours to finally put the ol' boy down. Goes to show: nothing handheld is a reliable stopper)...

Now personally, I don't hunt: not anti-hunting, just not my cuppa. But take a gander at the negative comments section of their website: man, some of these folks are downright NASTY, especially since the target of their venom is an 11 year old boy!

Wow... I wish *I* was man enough to curse out a pre-pubescent child on the internet, where there's no chance of repercussions...

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