07 March 2007

Another tale from the Pacific...

Seeing as I have nothing else to talk about...

Sailors drink... some, quite heavily. When folks drink, they sometimes do... strange things. Sailors, sad to say, are no exception to that rule...

Come staggering down the ladder after a midwatch, wanting nothing more than to bury my head in my pillow, and hear a VERY loud *CLANG!* from the next compartment over. I REALLY don't want to know... it's full of pit boys, SERIOUS snipe territory. They're all big and hairy and...

"What inna HELL was that?" I ask, sticking my head through the door. And the sight that greeted me was three BTs, holding back a fourth from... well... the wall.

That clang? Oh... number four had punched the wall after a verbal altercation (with said wall). I asked one of the three about it, and the response STILL makes me giggle: "I dunno, man. I think it (the wall) said sumthin' 'bout his mother"...

BTs... *sigh*

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