21 December 2014

I better put my boots on...

... so I can start quaking in them, re: this announcement.

I mean, seriously: can the Norks even successfully hit South Korea, let alone project force across the Pacific?

And how many people across the US, if Kim actually managed to lob a missle across and hit the White House, would be upset? I know a bunch who would probably send the man a beer for that one.

18 December 2014

Ecigs, revisited

Ok... if you've been reading me for awhile (or actually went through and read everything I've posted), you may remember me experimenting with Blu ecigs.

That experiment failed: worked for a while, but I just couldn't stop smoking regular smokes. And, after a short time, I had given up on the gadgets. Then tried again, with a better set-up: couldn't make it work right. Even tried a third time, when a vape shop opened nearby: still no joy.

Recently, and in part to the promptings of a certain 12 year old, I decided to try again. This time, it seems to be working. And oh my gawds, the variety of gadgets available!

There is, almost literally, something available for any lifestyle or price range. There are the beginners' "eGo" system: a simple battery and tank, with an atomizer coil of some kind, all usually sold as a kit. There are "mods": devices that hold a removable battery, come in all shapes and sizes, with a variety of features (or, on the opposite end, are nothing more than a simple tube with some wires and a switch). There are pipes, boxes, tubes... you name it, someone makes it. There are even a fair number of folks building their own

So... given this new hobby, I'll be covering some vaping stuff on here. If you smoke, and would like to get away from it, I'm hoping what I convey here will help.


First things first: benefits. I basically stopped smoking in October (I still bum a few, but that's getting less frequent). My sense of smell has come back in a BIG way (as in "I can smell smokers right away). No more smokers' hack. No more smell. And SAVINGS

Did a quick bit of math. I was spending roughly $1500 a year on tobacco and papers (more if you count lighter fluid and such). Quite a bit of scratch!

My current set-up for vaping (Sigelei Legend II, eLeaf iStick, couple of tanks for different liquids) totaled $270. Then add liquid, batteries (figuring replace once a year), and atomizer coils (which I rebuild to save more): estimating $600/year recurring. Hell... even buying new gear every year, I'm coming in at around half the cost.

Cons? There's a bit more of a start-up cost: a basic starter kit is around $30 (maybe less on evilbay) plus juice (at least another $5-10), instead of $6 for a pack of smokes and a Bic. There's also a learning curve: lots of variables involved in vaping. And you will still be lumped in with the rest of the social lepers (although it is MUCH easier to get away with vaping in Sprawlmart than smoking).

So overall... I would call the switch a net benefit. Not to mention it makes a certain 12 year old happy that I'm not smoking anymore!


A couple good resources, if you want to learn more:

www.sweet-vapes.com (local vape shop, located in Sheboygan WI. VERY knowledgeable, with a friendly staff and good prices on gear and a great selection)

www.ecblendflavors.com (where I've been getting juice: selection and prices that are crazy good)

http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com (forum for vapers of all kinds. LOTS of info available)

17 December 2014

Bloody Hell

I'll admit up front: I don't really follow the news anymore. It's mostly depressing "if it bleeds it leads" garbage, and sports figures. Neither of which really interest me in the slightest.

So... I come across this. If you haven't heard: Greenpeace members, during the UN climate talks in Peru, decided to add to the Nazca Lines by setting out fabric strips to spell out "Time for change! The future is renewable Greenpeace" next to the Hummingbird.

Cue instant rage

Seriously: had someone at the local brew house walked up and started talking about Greenpeace after I read that, I would be sitting in jail right now. There are some lines that simply should NOT be crossed. And this didn't cross them, it pole-vaulted them. Here's hoping the guilty parties are imprisoned until the damage they caused is gone

Edit: forgot the damn link!

16 December 2014

Oh, hi

Been a LONG year. Not going into details: nobody's business. Figured I would try using this again.


Reading over at Larry's and saw this. Go, read, take it to heart. All it takes for evil to triumph, and all that...