29 March 2024

We're NOT a plumbing supply

So... Fridays are slow. Like, "stand around and play on your phone" slow. 

Guy walks in, doesn't seem to speak English. Hands me a part: the handle and flush arm from a toilet. And just stands there, looking at me.

My brother Knuckles walks away, shaking his head: he had seen what was in the guy's hand, and wanted nothing to do with it.

I ask the guy what the part is from. I recognized what it was, but wanted to give the guy a chance. He just kept staring at me. I said "This is from a toilet"... he nods. The rest of the crew is now staring, trying not to laugh.

"Sir... we're an auto parts store, not a plumbing supply". Dude just keeps staring.

Some people