04 November 2008

Election Liveblogging from Wisconsin

Ok… live from Manitowoc County Republican Headquarters!

Starting this shortly after Ohio got called by Fox for Obama. The current mood is “we’re screwed”. Gotta love that possitive attitude!


Roughly 2130: talk here is about how to endure an Obama Presidency. Always want to laugh at the folks that talk about revolution at these times: like Joe Sixpack is going to revolt so long as there’s Monday Night Football…


Side note: I have GOT to remember not to wear my colors at these things. BACA’s not supposed to have any political affiliation…


Ok… somebody explain to me how they can call a state one way or another with less than 10% or the precincts reporting?


Just a little comparison: last cycle, I spent time at the Republican Headquarters. Then, it was a larger space with a LOT more people. This time, we’re in a smaller space… and it’s almost empty. Kinda sad, actually…


WAY too much doom 'n' gloom. So Obama is winning. All that REALLY means is that conservatives go from being in charge to being the loyal opposition. C'mon folks... presidents come and go...


Fox just declared the election for Obama: current time is 2202...


And it looks like folks here have given up: closing down the shop...

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